Monday, 9 October 2017

My new Phonak Naida Link Hearing Aid!

In June 2017, I received the Naida Link hearing aid. This hearing aid is compatible with my CI processor and the two can communicate with each other. When I want to listen to music or a telephone call using my Com Pilot, both the Link and my Naida CI processor will connect to it at the same time, so I can hear using both ears. I can touch the program button on either my hearing aid or my CI and it will effect the program change in both ears at the same time! There is 1/2 seconds more time delay on the CI side before I can hear again but it's a small price to pay...

I can choose which side I want to hear on by pressing the program button on the appropriate side – this is so useful in the car when I want to hear the passenger or my child in the back seat!! 

I noticed my speech perception improve within the first few days after I started using the Link, walking along corridors and listening to a child at the same time was no longer such an effort! And with the zoom control feature in a noisy environment, it feels like the child’s voice is right by my ear! 

In August 2017 I had the automatic settings on the Naida Link hearing aid switched off because it affects my perception of the environment and my concentration on speech sounds. I noticed this mostly when I was walking with people I was trying to listen to, especially when I wasn’t lip-reading them. If I turned my head away from the person, I could no longer hear their voice and in addition to this, I couldn’t really hear any environmental information. With each turn of the head, I found myself incredibly disorientated and I really didn’t like it. Once it was turned off, I was much happier with the hearing aid and my ability to hear with both ears.



Toby Zane said...

Thanks for the comment about the automatic mode. I had *exactly* the same problem with disorientation with my Naida Link when it was switched on, so it's great to see there's a solution for that. Will definitely speak to my audi team about trying it with the auto mode switched off till they do some software updates!

Sarah C said...

You're welcome. I'm glad to read that my blog is helping someone else identify something that they can change! I still notice a slight disorientation/imbalance since correcting this issue in a programming session but I think that this is 50% a software issue and 50% the fact that the hearing in my CI ear is so much better than my HA ear. I'll notice the fade out/abrupt cut off of a sound I can't hear in my HA ear but I still can in my CI ear! Fingers crossed it won't be long till a software update...!

Unknown said...

Was implanted in August last year and am doing brilliantly.
I've just discovered your blog as I'm trying to find into on whether I could use a sauna with my processor on?
I,too was fitted with the link but haven't worn it much as the mould is incredibly sweaty &'s a full mould.
But my Audiologist said in May after the speech tests after tuning,while wearing the naida link & my implant & then with just my implant,that the link isn't much benefit apart from feeling balanced as I'm hearing 100% with my implant alone

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