In June 2017, I received the
Naida Link hearing aid. This hearing aid is compatible with my CI processor and
the two can communicate with each other. When I want to listen to music or a
telephone call using my Com Pilot, both the Link and my Naida CI processor will
connect to it at the same time, so I can hear using both ears. I can touch the
program button on either my hearing aid or my CI and it will effect the program
change in both ears at the same time! There is 1/2 seconds more time delay on the CI side before I can hear again but it's a small price to pay...
I can choose which side I want to hear on
by pressing the program button on the appropriate side – this is so useful in
the car when I want to hear the passenger or my child in the back seat!!
noticed my speech perception improve within the first few days after I started
using the Link, walking along corridors and listening to a child at the same
time was no longer such an effort! And with the zoom control feature in a noisy
environment, it feels like the child’s voice is right by my ear!
In August 2017 I had the
automatic settings on the Naida Link hearing aid switched off because it
affects my perception of the environment and my concentration on speech sounds.
I noticed this mostly when I was walking with people I was trying to listen to,
especially when I wasn’t lip-reading them. If I turned my head away from the
person, I could no longer hear their voice and in addition to
this, I couldn’t really hear any environmental information. With each turn of
the head, I found myself incredibly disorientated and I really didn’t like it. Once
it was turned off, I was much happier with the hearing aid and my ability to hear with both ears.